
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Plans and Projects for 2014

I have been holding back on working on any sewing for months now but with my most current doctor's appointment going well I think I am going to allow myself to indulge in some sewing again. I can't tell you how excited I am to get back in front of the sewing machine! For weeks now I have been putting together a mental list of all that I would like to do but last week I finally permitted myself to put it in to writing. So here it is, my project list for 2014:

(All of the pictures below are links to the tutorial/patterns I am considering using. Click on the photo to get more information on the item from the owner.)

  • Complete the W.I.P.'s:
I had quit a few projects I had already cut out or started assembling and then the first trimester icks kicked in. I guess if the ones for Hannah no longer fit I will give them as gifts.
- Velour Jumper (I'm using the Flutter Dress pattern by Aesthetic Nest the same one I used for this top here)
- Pear Picking Tunic (tutorial by Shwin & Shwin)
- Lucy Tunic (pattern by Shwin & Shwin)
- Bubble Shorts (pattern by E&E)
- Silk circle skirt for me
- Jelly Roll T-shirt Dress (This is one of my simple dresses you can see here)
- Paneled Circle T-shirt Dress (This is one of my simple dresses you can see here)

  • Hannah's big girl bedroom
With the baby coming Hannah will be getting moved out of the room we have dedicated to being the nursery and moved in to her big girl room. We knew this was coming so I had already been making plans but the baby has caused us to step it up. I already have the window treatments and the paint has been picked out. The big project for her room is a queen size quilt for her bed. I started collecting the fabric but I am all over the place when it comes to the pattern. I was hoping to somehow integrate some embroidered squares to make it a bit more special.  The following two patterns by Little Miss Shabby caught my eye:

Some other projects for Hannah's room:
- Framed cross-stitch (For the Love of Cross Stitch magazine March 1990)
- Pillowcases
- Floor cushion


  • Items for the baby
Fortunately this being our third baby and our second boy we don't need much for him but I do have a short wish list for him.
- Minky 
Blanket (Every baby should have their own special blanket)

Car Seat Canopy
- Diaper Caddy (I am hoping to design my own and do a tutorial maybe with a pattern)
Make your own waterproof car seat canopy with this tutorial!

  • Special projects for the older kiddo's
- Samuel starts "official" preschool this fall and I would like to make him a backpack.
- Hannah loves her baby dolls and when she sees me using a baby carrier I know she would love her own baby doll carrier. I'm thinking this will be her birthday gift.

  • Sewing Challenges
- Kids Clothing Week. The winter KCW has been announced for January 27th - February 3rd and the spring KCW is usually around the end of April (around when I am due).  I am going to participate if I can (Hannah could sure use the clothes) however I may have to settle for only Summer and Fall.
- Sew Crazy Monthly Challenge by Crazy Little Projects. Each month is going to have a different theme and multiple projects to choose from that vary in skill level. It sounds intriguing and can't wait to see what each month will bring.
- Shorts on the Line sewalong. That is if imagine gnats plans on host another one this summer.

Sew Crazy Monthly Challenge with Crazy Little Projects

I have a ton of Christmas sewing idea's but I think I am going to wait till the end of the summer before I try and plan that out. I am sure I will sew the random outfit for Hannah here and there but I am hoping that I have not overestimated what I can accomplish this year with the baby coming.  

Wish me luck. Thanks for stopping by the nest!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blessings of 2013

When I reflect on my blessing of 2013 I am overwhelmed by how much God has done for me and my family.  

I am going to jump forward to the present for a moment and share with you our current blessing or rather miracle. As I reported in my last post, I should be bed rested right now due to my pregnancy issues however I am not currently bed ridden. Beyond all physical reason my incompetent cervix has yet to behave incompetently. Everyone in my life including my doctor know that this can only be due to a miracle provided by God. We always had hope but you never really know if your will is aligned with Gods. We are not out the wood yet however this is cause to continue to be hopeful that our prayers are being answered. Even if we are given only this short reprieve I am grateful and will joyfully accept what ever He wills for us after.

Such a blessing that I was able to spend Christmas day out of bed with my family.
Leading up to today I have been reminded that I have many wonderful friends and family I have. When we found out I was pregnant I was concerned how we would manage bed rest  for a third time. Just as my friend and family happily sacrifice to help my family in the past they all have been waiting to come to our aid again. 

Of course I can not overlook the blessing of our new little baby boy which we can not wait to snuggle in the coming year. (Did you Catch that? It's a BOY!) He is quite the blessing in many ways. The biggest blessing is the reminder that following Gods will is far more wonderful than anything I could do for myself. 

I think the kiddos where pretty happy about it too!
My husband is always a blessing but this year he has been very supportive of me discovering a career path that has no certainty of being profitable and definitely no immediate profitability. He has contributed his time and skills when needed and managing the household when I am tied up with a project.  

This year has reminded me of things I need to be thankful for from the past. Largely the time my Mother spent with me as a child teaching me to sew and encouraging me to craft in general. Since my Mom died in 2002 I haven't done much sewing or crafting but since I begun sewing again I feel very close to her. 

Over a year ago a began praying about a means to help support our growing family in a way that allows me to be there for my family and is enjoyable. I truly feel God has been guiding me in direction of using the sewing and crafting skills he has given me.  I don't think I have it all figured out but I am following the trail of bread crumbs being left by God. With time, patients and prayer I feel confident that I will be as successful as I need to be. As of today I am satisfied to just be on a path.

I am not going to make any resolutions for next year. My life it s a bit in limbo at the moment and I want to spare myself the frustration of failure. I do plan on participating in a few sewing challenges and have started a list of projects I would like to complete however am trying to stay realistic of my current situation and somethings may just not happen. In my next post I will share with you all that I hope to complete in the next year.

I wish you and your family a blessed Christmas season and New Year!
