
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

More Little Quail's and Cross Stitching

I'm still here! I realized that I have taken a long break from blogging but, WOW, I didn't realize that it has been almost 3 months. Please know it has been for good reason. God has sent me on a bit of a detour. I am happy to announce we are expecting a new Little Quail.

As I am sure you already figured out, for last few months I have been feeling a bit out of commission, which is why I have been MIA. I had every intention of completing an entire cold weather wardrobe for my daughter as well as some Christmas gifts however, I have succumb to the realization that is not going to happen this year. I am rather sad that I am going to have to take a pass on.... GASP.... 3! Kids Clothing Weeks. 

If you don't me I know this probably doesn't make sense of why I would be unable to sew or craft my entire pregnancy. I will briefly explain. My pregnancies are anything but normal. I have condition called incompetent cervix. In simple terms, It pretty much means what its called, my cervix doesn't "know" to stay closed. I have to under go surgery then, for me, not long after I am put on strict bed rest.

Presently, I am just over a week away from what I anticipate will be the beginning of approximately 18 weeks of bed rest. I and all my prayer warriors are praying for what would definitely be a miracle. If my cervix does/has not thinned I will not be bed rested. However, I accept whatever crosses God feels best that I bear. He always gives me the grace I need to persevere. The rewards I received during my last two pregnancies where plentiful. I know my husband feels the same way. We both feel truly blessed with our beautiful babies but the gift of deepening our relationship with God and the huge dose of humility and patience are virtues that have altered every aspect of our beings. I completely trust that whatever God wills for us is better that anything we could ever plan for ourselves. After all God is the perfect parent.

Recently, I have been feeling much more myself and have been cross stitching to keep my hands busy. I started cross stitching when I was very young. I was digging out all my needle work tools this summer when I shared this skill with two of my nieces and I was surprised to see that I had kept all of my projects from when I was a kid. I even had them dated. The oldest was completed when I was 8.

I haven't done much cross stitching in my adult years but sharing this craft with my nieces has really woke up my interest in it again. I have a collection of "For the Love of Cross Stitch" magazines that were published by Leisure Arts in 1989 - 1990 that I plan on putting to use. I managed to complete one already.


Isn't it darling. I truly love fall.  I hope to sew this row of pumpkins to a kitchen towel to be used next fall. I can't remember exactly but I think I used a 14 count adia in ivory (or was it 16 count? sigh).

The pattern came from September 1989 edition. I seam to be missing one of my magazines so I went out to see if I could replace it. They are not available from the publisher but I was able to locate some on ebay for cheap if anyone is looking. As you can see below this is just a segment of a larger pattern. The whole thing is very cute but I didn't want to over whelm myself right now.

I have started another pattern for Thanksgiving that I would love to complete sometime this week. I am not sure that cross stitching is possible while I am bed rested. I tried doing a bib while I was bed rested with my son and was unable. Regardless I am going to try again.

Please pray for us. I am not sure about my blogging plans through the up coming months. I intended to let God guide me as to how I should spend my time and the words I should choose to share.

I am looking forward to many sewing project for baby. I have quite the list going that I will be starting as soon as I can. I welcome suggestions for future sewing just leave me a comment with your ideas.

I pray that you and your family have a truly blessed Thanksgiving. 

Thanks for stopping by the nest!
